Georgia College & State University has its own undergraduate literary and creative arts journal, The Peacock’s Feet. Published annually, the journal showcases GCSU undergraduate students' talents without costing students a penny. Writing wise, The Peacock’s Feet publishes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; however, even though it is a literary journal, writing is not the only talent featured. This literary journal also has an art section for those who are visual artists, as well as a SoundCloud account for those who are musicians. This is a great experience for students who are English majors or who want to make a career with their talents, but The Peacock’s Feet is not limited to only English/Art/Music majors. This is an opportunity for students of all majors, and we especially urge the ones who possess these talents but have never gone forth with them publicly. If you are chosen to be published, there is an annual banquet that shows Georgia College’s appreciation for your involvement with the journal. Students read their work, perform their music, and show off their artwork at this event.
To view the 45th edition of the Peacock's Feet, click here.
To get involved with this year’s journal, you can submit one or more of your art, music, and writing submissions to peacocksfeet@gmail.com.
Submission Guidelines
- Submit your art, photography, fiction, music, script, nonfiction, and/or poetry to us at peacocksfeet@gmail.com Only Google Docs shared with this email will be accepted.
- All written pieces that are submitted to us must be on a Word document with 12 pt. Times New Roman font on double-spaced pages. Please be sure to include your name and label each piece with its title.
- Fiction/nonfiction/script pieces have a 10 page maximum limit (double-spaced!).
- Poetry pieces have a 5 page maximum limit (also double-spaced!).
- Art/Photography pieces should be submitted in a high-resolution JPEG file.
- Music should be submitted by a link to an active SoundCloud account or by an .mp3 file.